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part of the movement?

The Problem: Our education system is often asked to provide solutions to problems it is unprepared for, forcing students to internalize systemic failings. As a result, compassionate teachers overextend themselves in attempts to shelter their students from suffering, leading to burnout and high turnover rates. With teachers leaving the profession at an alarming rate, and students reporting higher rates of depression and anxiety than ever before, we are in desperate need of education reform. 

Our Objective: Present Education looks to address the mental health needs of students, as well as their teachers, by providing a more holistic look of education that can be integrated into the core curriculum of any middle school. We strive to make our resources easy to use and adapt, so that individual teachers can focus on their students instead of puzzling out a new curriculum. When a school or district chooses to implement our curriculum, they are choosing to proactively promote their students’ emotional wellbeing. When teachers use our lessons, they are ensuring all their students receive basic training in conflict resolution strategies, not just those who have demonstrated a need for intervention. 


To continue to develop high-quality humanities lessons, with an emphasis on promoting positive mental health practices, we need the help of our larger community. If you are interested in getting involved with our mission, please let us know below! Your support enables us to continue our mission and start a movement that can revolutionize the way we think about schooling. 

Let's Chat

Are you an educator or other advocate for education who is interested in using our humanities curriculum in your school or classroom?

Would you be interested in investing in our mission?

We would love to hear from you!

Thanks for submitting!
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